
Satellite member

Satellite member - $35 per year
Any creative individual who revolves around the center, as well as anyone who wishes to support and encourage the organization.
Benefits include:
Voting rights at member assemblies
Access to an online communication platform
Annual publication of your creator profile on our social media, if desired
Access to discounted exhibition and experimentation spaces
Access to discounted production services (3D printing, vinyl cutting, and more!)
On-demand support for your projects (conversations, referrals, and more!)

User membership

User membership - 6 months ($60/month) / 12 months ($50/month)
Any artistic or creative individual looking to benefit from a community fabrication space and professional equipment.
Benefits include:
24/7 access to shared workspaces
Supervised access to the annex upon request
Access to a small individual storage space
Additional discounts (in addition to satellite member discounts)
All benefits of the satellite membership included
Application form:
*The Eastern Bloc team reserves the right to prioritize applications that match its mandate and capabilities.

Private Desk Option

Private Desk Option - 6 months ($150/month) / 12 months ($140/month)*
Available For User Members.
Enjoy your own personal workspace
*The price includes the total monthly charge, which covers the user access. The desk corresponds to an additional add-on at $90 per month.

Network Member

Network member - Price upon request
Any cultural organization, collective, or company looking to establish connections with our organization and benefit from special offers.
Benefits include:
Mention on our website and sharing of your news on our social media platforms
Access to discounted exhibition and experimentation spaces
Access to discounted production services (3D printing, vinyl cutting, and more!)
Early invitation to our openings
Invitation to an annual networking event